
Buying Matthew Gardner’s Top 10 Predictions for 2022 This video shows Windermere Chief Economist Matthew Gardner’s Top 10 Predictions for 2022. Each month, he analyzes the most up-to-date U.S. housing data to keep you well-informed about what’s going on in the real estate market. The following post is also written by Matthew Gardner. Big thanks to him for releasing his helpful insights and […]
Selling Deciding to Sell Your Home Selling a home–that is a big deal. Many steps are involved with it as well as emotions. Factors out of your control may be the cause of your decision to sell other than you simply wanting to. Thanks Sandy Dodge at Windermere for this insightful read–! I am here to help you through the home […]
Buying Buying and Selling a Home at the Same Time Does this sound like a daunting task? While there are lots of moving parts, it can be done and I am here to help. Thanks Sandy Dodge at Windermere for this insightful write-up. Successfully selling a home and buying a home are significant accomplishments on their own, but when their timelines cross it can be difficult to manage […]
Buying 9/27/2021 Housing and Economic Update from Matthew Gardner This video is the latest in our Monday with Matthew series with Windermere Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. Each month, he analyzes the most up-to-date U.S. housing data to keep you well-informed about what’s going on in the real estate market.     Introducing Matthew Gardner, Windermere’s Chief Economist, and his latest episode of Mondays with Matthew. […]
Selling The Difference Between a Comparative Market Analysis and an Appraisal Have you ever wondered how these two differ from each other? Thanks Sandy Dodge at Windermere for this helpful explanation. It can be difficult for sellers to distinguish between two methods of finding the value of their home: a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) and a home appraisal. Though they share many similarities, there are key differences […]
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